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Iowa Attorney General Speaks About Work at Home Scams

Work at home has been one of the most popular topics because of the Internet, but the Iowa Attorney General has a big warning against the many work at home scams that are out there. 

According to, the Attorney General is warning people about work at home scams that will earn money for someone else but cost you more money than they are actually worth. 

According to the warning, these work at home jobs come to people most often in the form of emails boasting how much money you can make working right from your home, but these emails are almost always false offers that will not only expose your computer to viruses, but potentially cost you a lot of money as well. 

The Attorney General gave some additional tips that you can pay attention to in order to be able to understand the authenticity of the work at home offer that is being presented. 

The tips include recommendations to take a look at what kind of work you will be doing and how you will be paid for it, if you have to pay to do the work in the first place and who you will be working for. You are encouraged to do your research before you start work for any company to make sure the company is legitimate. 

The Attorney General also noted some red flags that can tell you if the offer is actually a scam. These usually involve payment in advance for work that is not done, requests for personal information, etc. 

If you have a complaint about this, you can contact the Iowa Attorney General's Consumer Protection Division for assistance. 
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