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Upcoming Events

These events are taken straight from one of the many disorganized sources of information in downtown Iowa City - the pillars on which posters are posted. Check with the respective businesses to verify any event happenings. You can also learn about how to Submit Your Event.

Thursday, May 22nd
Minipop - Picador - 9pm - 19+

Friday, May 23rd
Dead Larry - THe Mill - 9pm

Saturday May 24th
Mad Monks - Barter's Last Show - The Yacht Club - Music at 9pm, Free Beer at 10pm.

Monday, June 2nd
Buckethead - That One Guy - The Picador

Saturday, June 14th
Breathe - $15 per person, adults only - Champaigns - West Branch, IA - Live performances from Illinois John Fever, Hunab, GPGDS.

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