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The price was right for one Iowa City woman

Keep your eyes on daytime television, Iowa City. An Iowa City woman got her chance to be on the popular game show "The Price is Right," and not too long after her 50th birthday, either.

Tamera Poeschl of Iowa City celebrated her birthday in a big way, even though it was a little late. She attended a showing of "The Price is Right" during a visit to Hollywood last month with her three sons. One of her sons had just returned from Afghanistan.

In order to help her chances of being on the show, Poeschl ordered unique shirts for herself and her family, complete with fun phrases to attract Drew's attention and even his face. She and her family wore the custom-made shirts to the show.

Poeschl stated that she believed these shirts helped her chances as she and all of the other members of the studio audience were given short interviews to see if they would be chosen to be on the show.

Between the birthday and the shirts, something worked out for Poeschl. Tamera was called to "come on down" and be part of the show.

Although Poeschl was not yet able to reveal anything about her experience on the show other than the fact that she was chosen to be on it before the episode aired on television, she did encourage people from Iowa City to tune in and see one of their own.

The episode of Poeschl was set to air Sunday morning at 10 a.m.
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