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No Shoes, No Problem!

18-year old Rae Heim of Carroll, Iowa has taken the challenge of running barefoot across the United States as an effort to raise money for needy children.

Heim doesn't wear shoes much now after breaking a toe. She wore them only in New Jersey because of glass on the highways and on gravel roads. Not even the heat is too much for her on the asphalt. If it gets too hot, she just puts on toe socks to remedy the burning and keeps running.

Heim started running to prove to people that she actually could, even though she hated doing it. That led to the idea of running barefoot across the United States.

Heim now runs for a charity organization called Soles4Souls. It is dedicated to purchasing shoes for needy children. According to the Fox News website, Heim has raised $2,900 so far for the charity.

The journey has not always been easy, Heim admitted on the Fox News website. She said that the first week led to many injuries and a phone call home for some much needed encouragement from mom. She was doing 40-mile days for the first week.

Heim runs about 20 miles a day, carrying everything in her backpack with her. She has friends along the way to check on her and her parents keep track of her as well through GPS technology. She claims that since the first week and since she slowed down a little, most of her journey has been good.

Heim's journey began in Boston in April and is trekking all the way through to the United States to be finished at Huntington Beach, California in October of this year. She recently made her way back through her home state.
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