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Where Will Iowa Stand in Election?

Iowa is a major topic of discussion since the recent immigration act by President Obama. The state is central to what will be the presidential decision in the fall of this year.

The state of Iowa only has six electoral votes, and because of this may seem like it is not that important at all. The state is too often overlooked during the presidential election. This year, though, Iowa may not be forgotten.

The state itself is back and forth on the issue of supporting either Romney or Obama. Statistics support Obama because the economy of the state in general has improved due to Obama's actions over the last four years.

On the other hand, Romney's campaign promises continued improvement for Iowa in general. When he visited Iowa in May, according to the Kansas City star website, he talked about eliminating the debt left to future generations across the prairie.

Obama's recent immigration act has made an impact on the election as well. His support among immigrants, which are a very large percent in Iowa, has greatly increased.

The race is very tight, even though Obama took the state for the Democratic party at the last election, making Iowa even more important when election time comes.

President Obama and Republican candidate Mitt Romeny are both aware of the importance of the state of Iowa this year and have been spending quite a bit of time campaigning here.

Obama and his party members have been to Iowa a total of nine times. Romney has been to the state three times.
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