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Adobe Addresses Vulnerabilities with Yet Another Patch

Recently, many security vulnerabilities have been discovered in some software programs. According to recent discoveries, these vulnerabilities are known and used by hackers to penetrate computers and networks, wrecking computers and gaining valuable identity information.

One of the programs with such vulnerabilities to hackers is Adobe Flash player. It affected Windows, Mac, Linux and Android operating systems, allowing hackers to get in through the security holes in these systems.

Adobe attempted to solve these problems with to patches that were released to download and install, the most recent of which was released for download on February 8. Apparently, though, the previous patches did not get the job done with Mac OSX and Windows.

While the previous patches worked well enough for Linux and Android operating systems, the security issues have persisted with Max OSX and Windows operating systems. Users of these systems were still at risk.

Today, though, an article posted on CNET announced the third and hopefully final software security update from Adobe systems that will repair the security vulnerabilities, preventing hackers from being able to access information and systems.

The CNET article stated that the holes in the software could give a hacker control of a computer system and any network to which it is connected. It could also result in a system crash if the security vulnerabilities were passed.

Windows and Mac OSX users are strongly advised by Adobe, Inc. to download and install the plug-in immediately. The new plug-in has been given a Priority 1 rating to urge user to do just this thing.
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