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Iowa noted for being healthy

Iowa has recently been recognized for all of its hard work toward public health. It has reached the top ten healthiest states in all the nation, according to a recent announcement on

Recently, cities all across the state of Iowa have become what are called Blue Zones. This means that they have joined the rest of the state on a mission geared toward the promotion of public health.

Souix City is a recent area that has joined this public health initiative. Spencer is another area that is committed to being a Blue Zone.

A list called "Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index" has ranked Iowa this year as the 9th healthiest states of them all.

This list names all of the states, listing them as they value public health according to six different points of criteria regarding the attention to public health by the state.

This year has raised Iowa up from the 16th spot to the 9th spot on the list. They were all the way down at the 19th spot just two years ago.

Officials for the state recognize the honor that they have been given by being recognized for their attention to health.

They recognize also that this encourages the areas that have committed to public health that their work has had an impact and that they can and should continue to do so. They also hope that this honor would encourage other areas within the state to do the same, becoming part of the Blue Zone initiative as well.
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