A bomb scare has left Burge residents locked out for at least two hours today after a suspicious looking package was found. According to our staff, members of the Johnson County Bomb Squad arrived not long after they were ordered out, and they were still on the scene until past 9:00.
One resident left Burge to stay with a friend in Daum around 4:30 after staff went down the halls warning students of a security hazard. "I thought it was a prank at first," he said.
John Sexton, husband of the current Daum Hall Coordinator, was found on 6th floor Daum telling students on the side of Daum facing Burge to get out of their rooms. "The think it's a live charge and they're gonna detonate it," he said. Other officials were found knocking on all doors on the north side of Daum telling students to move to common areas facing away from Burge Hall. Daum residents were allowed to go back to rooms on the north side of the building around 9:30.
Here is the University of Iowa's
Bomb Policy.
We don't have all the information at this time, check other news sources along with the Owl for more information and updates.