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Iowa City Landfill Reopens, But Fire Still Damaging Landfill

On day 4 of the fire that has destroyed a large part of the Iowa City landfill, the landfill is being reopened for use, but the fire is still burning, so usage of the landfill will be limited at this point.

According to, city officials are saying that trash collection from Iowa City residents will resume Tuesday. Only commercial haulers, though, will be allowed to take the trash and deposit it to the landfill.

Everyone else will still be waiting on the massive fire to die down and the smoke from the layer of tires to fade away, making it much safer for trash deposits.

Iowa City has made an estimate on how much it will take to repair the damages done to the landfill by the massive fire that started Saturday evening. It is believed that it will take anywhere from $4 - $6 million to repair the damages at this point. The cost could easily continue to go up as the fire continues to burn.

The fire chief for Iowa City plans to simply let the fire burn itself out instead of making further attempts to fight it because previous attempts at containing it and stopping it have only resulted in more damage and the fire spreading.

The smoke is the primary worry for residents of Iowa City. The layer of tires surrounding the landfill is burning, which produces a thick, black smoke that can not only be seen far away, but makes it very difficult to breathe anywhere near the landfill.

Two more cells are being opened up for commercial trash deposits to drop off some of the trash as the fire continues to burn. These cells have the capacity to hold more trash for a short period of time until the fire dies down, which could be several more days.
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