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UIHC Best in the Country

There has been good news for the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. UIHC has been ranked one of the best in the nation and the best clinic in the state of Iowa on the annual U.S. News & World Report.

The U.S. News & World Report is an annual publication that nationally ranks hospitals and various departments within them. This year's annual U.S. News & World Report ranked individual hospitals within states for the very first time. UIHC was ranked at the top spot within Iowa.

UIHC was given especially high national rankings in many specialties, including: cardiology and heart surgery, diabetes and endocrinology, gastroenterology, geriatrics, and psychiatry.

UIHC was happy to hear the news about the rankings and believes that it will make the people of Iowa, especially those near and affiliated with the University of Iowa,  proud to be associated with such a high-ranking and successful institution.

The hospital ranked fairly well nationally in five other specialties, with a sixth in the ophthalmology. Department chair Dr. Kieth Carter voiced hopes of being in the top five next year with the research that is being done in the department.

The annual publication surveys 10,000 specialties from nearly 5,000 hospitals. It also considers how well the hospital does in general, with consideration for death rates, patient safety, etc.

According to, the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics are not alone in the success. The Children's Hospital was also ranked very high nationally. It had various national rankings in 10 different specialties, including rankings in orthopedics and nephrology.
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