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Police Are Searching for Alleged Iowa City Attacker

A man is believed to have attempted to stab a resident in his own garage Friday morning. Police are looking for any information regarding this attack.

Officers responded to a call on Sandusky Drive in Iowa City very early in the morning on Friday, according to

The call was from the alleged victim, an adult male at the address, who stated that he was attacked as he came out of his garage by a man with a knife.

The victim was going to his garage to smoke and heard someone banging on the front door. When he came out of his garage, he met the man with the knife. To protect himself, he punched the man in the face.

The victim claimed he had never seen the man before, and that he didn't say anything at all as he was attempting to attack him.

The only thing that the victim suffered was a scrape on his torso form the knife. Otherwise, he was uninjured.

The victim was unable to give much information about the man. The suspect is a black man about 30 years old, bald with no facial hair. He has a medium build. He was wearing a T-shirt and jeans. The police were not able to locate the suspect. They are still looking for him.

The Iowa City Area Crimestoppers offers a reward for information that would lead to the apprehension of this man. The reward is set at $1,000. The number for Crimestoppers is 358-8477. Calls will always be anonymous.
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