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"Irresistible" and Fired Says Iowa

It has recently been discovered that it is actually a legal move to fire an employee that is viewed as irresistible, according to a recent article posted on the Idaho Statesman website.

Recently, the Iowa Supreme Court ruled on the legality after an incident occurred where a woman was fired from her workplace from being too irresistible for her boss. This ruling holds even if there has been no flirtatious or unprofessional behavior.

An Iowa City dentist fired a woman because he found her attractive and viewed her as a threat to his marriage. 32-year-old Melissa Nelson had been working for James Knight for 10 years before he began to complain about her and eventually fired her.

According to Knight, her clothing was too revealing and distracting. He allegedly once told Nelson that her clothes were too revealing if his pants were bulging. He also made comments about Nelson's sex life and began exchanging personal text messages with her.

Knight's wife demanded Nelson be fired. After talking to their pastor, they agreed to fire Nelson. He told her husband that he would have tried to start an affair with her.

According to the Iowa Supreme Court, firing employees on grounds such as this is a lawful thing to do because it is not based on a gender-related level, but a much more personal one. His attorney stated that the action was taken in the interest of saving his marriage.

Nelson filed a lawsuit about the incident, alleging gender-related discrimination. According to her report, she did not consider sexual harassment because he did not offend or harass her in any way.

The judges ruled that the termination was not gender discrimination and dismissed the case, noting that a woman replaced Nelson when she was fired.

The issue is something that is being highly debated, partially because of the problems with discrimination that women already experience and partially because the Iowa Supreme Court is made up of all men.

The main argument against the ruling is that it gives women the message that they are to blame for the sexual desires of men in the workplace.

Nelson did not view Knight in the same way, stating that she looked at him like a father figure.
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